.nicnt is Native Instruments KONTAKT library

Features Description
File Extension .nicnt
Format N/A
Created by Native Instruments
Category Various data

What's on this Page

  1. Conclusion

The .NICNT file extension is associated with Native Instruments, Inc., a renowned software and hardware manufacturer specializing in music production and performance tools. Native Instruments uses the .NICNT format to store information about their sample libraries, including metadata, sample mappings, and other relevant details. This article will provide an overview of the .NICNT file format, explain how to open it, and discuss methods to convert it to other formats.

Opening .NICNT Files

Native Instruments has developed its own software applications, such as Kontakt and Battery, which natively support the .NICNT file format. To open a .NICNT file, you need to have the corresponding Native Instruments software installed on your computer.

Converting .NICNT Files

Converting .NICNT files to other formats can be useful if you want to use the sample libraries in different music production software or platforms. However, it's important to note that the .NICNT file itself does not contain the audio samples; it only holds the metadata and mappings for the samples.

To convert .NICNT files, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Extract the audio samples associated with the .NICNT file. This can typically be done by locating the original sample files or using the Native Instruments software to export the samples.
  • Step 2: Convert the extracted samples to a format compatible with your desired software or platform. Common audio formats such as WAV or AIFF are widely supported and can be used in various music production applications.
  • Step 3: Import the converted samples into your preferred music production software.


The .NICNT file extension is specific to Native Instruments and is primarily used to store information about their sample libraries. Opening .NICNT files requires Native Instruments software, and conversion to other formats involves extracting the audio samples and converting them to compatible formats. By following the outlined steps, you can make the most of your .NICNT files and integrate them into your music production workflow seamlessly.

Native Instruments

Various data


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